Nexsa G2 

Instruments Introduction

Pre-experiment Check

Sample Mounting

Sample Loading

Sample Navigation (1)

Sample Navigation (2)  Height setting Camera & SnapMap

Configure Experiments: Conventional XPS (Survey + Narrow)

Configure Experiments: Cleaning and XPS Depth Profiling

Exporting Data

Pre-experiment check

Sample Loading 

Sample Navigation 

(1) Click Main command toolbar icon for optical view “Microscope icon”.

(2) Navigate to the sample and sites of interest.
You can move the sample stage is 3 ways: 
(a) Double-click on the Platter View.
(b) Click on the direction icons (left/right/up/down) on the optical view.
(c)  Double-click the Optival  View
Notes: "Platter View" is an image captured in the load lock.
Notes: The current stage position is indicated by a red dot. 

(3) Turn on the  two light sources and adjust their illumination
Turn on "Analysis Chamber co-axial light" and  "Analysis chamber side light".
You can adjust the brightness of two lights at the same time to get good contrast & brightness of sample features.  

Notes: For rough surface "Analysis chamber side light" is perferred; for reflective surface "Analysis chamber co-axial light" is preferred. 

(4) Adjust the Focus and Magnification of Sample
4.1  Adjust the focus (Z+/Z- buttons) and magnification (zoom+/zoom- buttons).
        These buttons are located in the bottom left corner of the live view window.
Notes: You should not worry too much, because there is auto-height searching function (stepsize up to 100 μm).
Notes: To save an image, right-click on the optical view window you wish to save and select "Save Image."
                If you save it as a .vgd file, it will preserve field of view information.

Complimentary technique for Navigation:  

(1) Height setting Camera.
For sample with sharp features, adjust the focus using through-the-lens (TTL) camera and "height-setting" camera. 

(2) SnapMap
To reveal elemental distributions of non-homogeneous samples that are optically not discernible.  It scans very quickly with a short dwell time at the center energy of the element of interest and reconstructs the image into 500x500 pixels.

Configure Experiments: Conventional XPS (Survey + Narrow)

(1) Click the Experiment Tab 

(2) Click to source insert icon to configure excitation source, in this case, the X-ray gun.

(3) Use either the toolbar or a control window.
X-ray spot size:  Ranges from a smallest spot size of 10 μm to a largest spot size of 400 μm.
Flood Gun State: Set to ON for non-conductive samples
Explore "Group"

Allow autoheight function 

(4) Save Experiment File

Hierarchical structure of the data file: excitation source, position, spectra (together sound like XPS).

Follow the nest hierarchy: experiment -> gun source -> point -> spectrum (point, line, area) -> gun shutdown.

VGX = experiment procedures setup file 

VGD = save images and scan you can save it in terms of vcs file 

VGP = all the meta data are saved

Notes: You can reuse the "Experiment" file for next experiment.  

Tips: You can blank any experiment steps using "space" button on the keyboard. 

The program will execute in the sequence that you have set up.  Their status indicators at the bottom of the recipe window change from flashing blue to green. Grey means they are off. 

For line scans, choose the center or starting and ending positions. Note that for different samples, the process needs to be repeated each time.

When data collection begins, the incoming raw data is shown in the Current data window. To perform analysis on the data, you must open a New  processing view, which will put an empty grid into the main window.

You can drag the data point from the experiment tree into the new processing view and it will resize and pre-label fields to accommodate the scans that you have set up.

Configure Experiments: Cleaning and XPS Depth Profiling